"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY

Complainant information

Name of person submitting the complaint*
Postal address

Respondent information

Name of ATA member the ethics complaint refers to
Postal address
Please provide a detailed description of your complaint (include dates and other specific information and also describe the efforts you may have made to resolve the situation). You may attach additional pages if necessary or provide this information in a separate document.
Ethics Code Violation(s)
Please mark the provision(s) of the Ethics Code you believe was/were violated.
Specify the supporting documentation that accompanies the complaint. Please note that your complaint cannot be processed without appropriate documentation. Examples include copies of email correspondence, contracts, invoices, purchase orders, etc.
You must combine all documentation into a single PDF before uploading. If you are unable to do so, please submit documentation to
Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.
Clear Signature

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